About Healdsburg Literary Guild
The Healdsburg Literary Guild’s mission is to enrich the cultural environment of the greater Healdsburg community through the literary arts. Our goals are to advocate and promote the literary arts by developing literary salons and other literary events that educate, entertain, and enliven our area. The Guild is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Our Federal Tax ID number is 68-0315862, and donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Click here to read the Guild’s By-Laws. To renew your membership or become a member, click here for the membership form.
The Healdsburg Literary Guild has served the greater Healdsburg area as a literary venue since 2000 when the Guild started hosting the monthly Third Sunday Salon in the City of Healdsburg City Council room. Currently, the Third Sunday Salon is held from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. at the Healdsburg’s Bean Affair Coffee Shop at 1270 Healdsburg Avenue on the southeast corner of Dry Creek Road and Healdsburg Avenue (Click here for a map). In addition to the Third Sunday Salon, the Guild hosts several other literary events throughout the year including:
- Poetry Valentine to Healdsburg. Each February, on a weekend day nearest to Valentine’s Day, the Guild holds an event where Healdsburg area poets are invited to read a poem based on a Valentine’s Day theme. The Guild publishes a chapbook of the selections read, and participants receive one free copy of the chapbook.
- Graveside Readings. On the Sunday of Memorial Day weekend, the Guild sponsors a delightful afternoon at the Tipsy Fountain in Healdsburg’s Oak Mound Cemetery. Writers are invited to join us under the shade of mighty oak trees near the burial site of Harmon Heald, the city’s namesake, to read their poetry and prose of deceased relatives and friends, or ghosts and goblins.
- Healdsburg Literary Laureate. The Guild, with the support of individuals and literary groups in the community, has selected the Healdsburg Literary Laureate every two years since 2000. Current and past recipients of this literary honor include:
Jennifer Lynn Alvarez | 2019/2020 |
Russ Messing | 2016/2018 |
Gabriel Fraire | 2014/2015 |
John Koetzner | 2012/2013 |
Stefanie Freele | 2010/2011 |
Vilma Ginzberg | 2008/2009 |
Chelsea (formerly Chip) Wendt | 2006/2007 |
Penelope La Montagne | 2004/2005 |
Armando Garcia-Dávila | 2002/2003 |
Doug Stout | 2000/2001 |
- Guild Book Shoppe. At each Third Sunday Salon and other selected events throughout the year, the Guild offers books for sale published by the Guild. Featured writers and open mic readers are welcome to bring their publications to sell during our events, and are encouraged to voluntarily donate 10% of their book sales to support the Guild.